Thursday, January 31, 2008

A poem to Tim Berners Lee and HTML. Sweet. >.>

So...I guess I have no choice then. A short poem to Tim Berners Lee- the creator of HTML and other stuff for the internet and computer. Deal with it. But then, without him, there wouldn'nt be anything like this. No blogs, no good internet sites, etc. We need to show him some gratitude. Kinda.

Within some time ago
we had a lesson that bothered us so
the kind that filled our hearts with woe
and those easy days just had to go

we had no choice and studied then
to fill our time till who-knows-when,
mind-boggling codes, memorizing again
asked helped from cousins and our friends

What else could be done, together we wail
if failing now felt like going to jail
so studied all day, until we went pale
but for some of us it was to no avail

For HTML is no easy feat
it takes some time and pressure to beat
and there's no easy way, so don't even cheat
and when all's said and done, you'll get a nice treat

Yet no matter how bad HTML sounds,
there's one good thing you can't get around
it's for our good and to it we are bound
and such great joy when the media's found
our very own website!

Haha. Enjoy Ma'am.


Desiree Joy A. Eldian said...

haha..nice poem there 'meggie'

MY WORLD said...

nice poem.
you are really in touch with it.

chixie pixie said...

nyahaha i just can't imagine if u'll read this stuff :D
it makes me wanna laugh :D
nice :))

SHANI said...

nice page.
nice poem.

neni said...

nice poem MEGGIE!!!! haha. or do you want me to call you Silvertongue and Dustfinger?

koala-sleepers said...

nice one jeanelle!!!
REALLY LIked it..
am so jealous..

ღ ΞniD.10 ღ said...

nice poem jeanelle..


cute ng layout mu..

L-e-s-L-i-E said...

hi.. nice one.. =p

Anonymous said...

weeee. nice poem. comment rin. xD